Sophia Loren | Mixed Media


The original painting is available | Nr 5/10 | Mixed Media on Canvas 100 x 100 x 4 | € 1595

We offer Art Prints in the recommended and most chosen sizes and finishes

Other wishes? Please contact us.

All our products are custom made, therefore please allow us a delivery period of 2 weeks.

Please contact us to discuss delivery options of the original painting.


Decorate your wall with the image you love by choosing this really cool art work of Sophia Loren from our category MIXED MEDIA.


Portrait of Sofia Loren on a background of Italian brands, buildings, paintings, persons and items. 


Our prices depend on the size and the finish you choose. This image is available in 3 sizes and 2 finishes.

Also available is the original painting: Sofia Loren : A painted portrait of Sofia Loren on a printed background of fragments from Italy, various paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci (Mona Lisa, the last supper and Vitruvian man), a piece of text from Romeo and Juliet, the eyes of Sofia Loren, signatures of Verdi, Colombus, Felini, Pavarotti and DaVinci, famous Italian brands such as Illy, Cinzano, Bucatti, Dolce & Gabana, Armani, Prada, Buitoni, Campari, Ferrari, Alfa, Chianti Classico, Pirelli, Riva, Gucci, The Tower of Pisa, a black Vespa and a red Fiat 500. Made on canvas in size 100 x 100 x 4 cm (€ 1595,00) ( nr. 5 of 10).


Select the size and finish you love and the price of your choice becomes visible. Other wishes? Please contact us!


About the artist

Jole (Annejole Jacobs – de Jongh – 1964) makes modern portraits of people, things and theme’s by assignment or as free work. She makes mixed-media portraits in a combination of digital photoart and the handmade drawing of the portrait. She uses (a mix of) different techniques such as acryl paint, printing and silkscreen. Her free work comprises of series of portraits painted on a printed background consisting of manipulated images from art history, printed media, advertising, texts, pictures and clothing fabrics. With the background of the painting she gives information in an unexpected way. Jole lives and works in Rotterdam – The Netherlands.


About Art & Pictures

Art & Pictures is an online gallery with a unique portfolio; a combination of Limited Editions, paintings, mixed media and photography to dress your wall. Something small, the icing on the cake or a big statement piece, the team of Art & Pictures is able to bring a valuable addition to homes and offices. Sharp prices, several finishes and tailor made solutions are what our team is happy to provide. We also offer our clients customized search, art consultancy and custom made Look books. The complete process from printing the photo to finishing it nicely is in the capable hands of our professionals. We have the experience as well as the expertise to produce only the best. Art & Pictures herewith guarantees high-end quality of all our products and we handle with care.

Sophia Loren